Implementing a FIRST Feeders Program
8:30 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Cobo - 251A
To promote STEM and robotics, our FRC team extended our outreach program by forming Troy Youth Robotics (TYR) to increase the awareness, formation, and collaboration of robotics teams within our community. In our first 18 months spanning over two competition seasons, we have grown our teams from 17 to 61. This presentation will share our implementation details of TYR and lessons learned. Audience will learn how to initiate, promote, maintain, and sustain a large number of robotics teams in a school district.
Mentor & Coach
Find Your Way FIRST : The Compass Alliance
8:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Cobo - 251B/C
"Through the power of collaboration, 8 teams developed a collaborative platform to help every team, student and mentor learn and grow. The Compass Alliance is an avenue for anyone of any skill level to access the tools to learn something new or learn more from anywhere in the world.
This presentation will give a deep dive into the amazing facets of The Compass Alliance, how it can benefit your team, and how you can contribute! #FindYourWayFIRST with The Compass Alliance!"
Education & Innovation
Making Your FIRST Team Valuable to Your School and School System
9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Cobo - 250B/C
FRC 1629 engages students in STEM through FIRST programs. Our "STEM Waypoints" initiative helps establish the team's vision of preparing children with the experiences they need in order to be successful in STEM. The Waypoint program targets all students in grades three through seven in the team's school district, providing each student with a unique and engaging STEM experience at each grade level. All STEM Waypoint lessons are research and standards based, measurable and many use LEGO. STEM Waypoint lessons are taught by 1629 students; every lesson is designed to serve as a memorable "waypoint" in each student's STEM journey.
Education & Innovation
WHY Develop a Robotics Program Using All FIRST in a Robotics Organization, or School?
9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Cobo - 251A
Robotics Organizations (thru schools especially) need to Develop the FIRST Program at all levels k-12.
Education & Innovation
Core Values: What, How and Why
9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Cobo - 252A/B
Gracious professionalism is a core value in FIRST that serves as a foundation for every FIRST team. Individual FRC teams would benefit from developing team core values that, together with gracious professionalism, can serve as guiding principles that dictate ethical behavior. This presentation will discuss core values, describe a student-driven process by which a team can develop a set of core values, and provide perspectives from several FRC teams that have identified core values with this process.
Mentor & Coach
Innovations in Biofabrication Education
9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Cobo - 250A
The Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute is accelerating the commercialization of engineered tissues and organs. The workforce in this innovative field will be comprised of people who can work in a multidisciplinary team of engineers, automation experts, biologists, and technicians that will make a difference in the world by eliminating the wait times for organ and tissue transplants, and providing medical solutions for those impacted by degenerative diseases and traumatic injuries.
Education & Innovation
Advanced Design and Fabrication of Aluminum Components for Real Cars and Real Robots
10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Cobo - 251A
Novelis - the world's largest producer of flat rolled products and the global leader in aluminum recycling - will join with FIRST teams to share innovative ways aluminum is used in the manufacturing of some of the world's best automotive brands - including Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Tesla, etc. In addition, Novelis and FIRST teams will detail innovative uses of aluminum to make your robots stronger and faster! Learn more about the global career opportunities directly from Novelis engineers!
Education & Innovation
AFIRST Tech Challenge Blocks with Google
10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Cobo - 251B/C
FTC Blocks are a great way to quickly and effectively prototype solutions for your robots regardless of programming experience. Come learn about the FTC Blocks Programming Tool and meet the Google team who worked with FIRST to deliver this solution.
Insights to Navigate from High School to a Career
10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Cobo - 250B/C
Would you like to be more deliberate in pursuing your future? Learn what skills will help you find a great career? Understand the benefit of a growing your soft skills as well as your technical skills? Join us for a session that provides important insights from industry insiders and tangible actions that you can implement to develop, grow and learn. You will gain many ideas and at least one take-away that you can implement immediately!
Education & Innovation
RESUMES: Inside Secrets to Grab a Recruiter's Attention - PRESENTATION
10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Cobo - 252A/B
"Do you send your resume out and wonder why the phone is not ringing?
Ilene Rein, President of Pounding Pavement 101 and Professional Recruiter demonstrates how a Recruiter searches for candidates, job sites from the recruiting side and what you can do to improve your resume to get noticed. Examples of resumes are shown illustrating presentation, what to put on a resume, as well as what not to put on it. Job Seekers will leave with an understanding of how to get hired!"
Alumni & Career
Develop Your Outreach Strategy
11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250A
FIRST champions the phrase "More than Robots", emphasizing dedicated outreach in our communities. Aegis Robotics, FRC Team 5243, started its outreach efforts less than four years ago and has introduced countless programs in the community. With over 22,000 volunteer hours and 2,000 people impacted, Aegis students will detail how your team can follow the Aegis model in creating an effective outreach strategy for your community while managing everyday challenges such as resources, time, funding, and energy. Join us as we show how we meet our community's needs while developing strong student leaders in STEM.
Education & Innovation
DESTINATION: SCOUTING - Scouting Strategies and Using Tableau for Improved Decision-Making
11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Cobo - 251B/C
This session will explain how any team can create powerful metrics for scouting, how to make better and faster decisions using Tableau, and how to effectively use scouting data for alliance strategy. It will include an overview of data collection methods, how to import data to create basic and advanced visualizations in Tableau, and how to apply this information in the competition.
RESUMES: Inside Secrets to Grab a Recruiter's Attention - PRESENTATION
11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Cobo - 252A/B
"Do you send your resume out and wonder why the phone is not ringing?
Ilene Rein, President of Pounding Pavement 101 and Professional Recruiter demonstrates how a Recruiter searches for candidates, job sites from the recruiting side and what you can do to improve your resume to get noticed. Examples of resumes are shown illustrating presentation, what to put on a resume, as well as what not to put on it. Job Seekers will leave with an understanding of how to get hired!"
Alumni & Career
Make-and-take: DIY HTML Website for your FIRST Team
11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Cobo - 251a
"Create a website for your FLL, FTC, or FRC team, or for yourself!
In this presentation you will learn to
[-] Learn to code a website without the guidance of a generator like wix or wordpress.
[-] Learn the basics of HTML and CSS
[-] Learn the basics of web hosting
[-] Leave the presentation with a working website that has been launched to the web, and the expertise to change it on the fly."
2019 #ALLIn Town Hall
11:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Cobo - 260
"FIRST is excited to present the 2019 #ALLIn Town Hall. Interactive, engaging, empowering, inspiring, and collaborative are just a few words to describe this year's new event. We have expanded beyond the Women in STEM Panel event. Diverse individuals and communities enhance the value of science, technology, engineering, and math, and they contribute tremendously to STEM fields. For example, women in STEM have contributed to some of the most important discoveries and technological innovations in STEM. Let's celebrate the accomplishments and the journey of professional women, professionals of color, and the LBGTQ+ communities in STEM, while inspiring and motivating all youth to LOVE STEM! The goal of this Town Hall is to provide youth and other community stakeholders the opportunity to interact with leaders and representatives on issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
FIRST is excited to present the 2019 #ALLIn Town Hall. Interactive, engaging, empowering, inspiring, and collaborative are just a few words to describe this year's new event. We have expanded beyond the Women in STEM Panel event. Diverse individuals and communities enhance the value of science, technology, engineering, and math, and they contribute tremendously to STEM fields. For example, women in STEM have contributed to some of the most important discoveries and technological innovations in STEM. Let's celebrate the accomplishments and the journey of professional women, professionals of color, and the LBGTQ+ communities in STEM, while inspiring and motivating all youth to LOVE STEM! The goal of this Town Hall is to provide youth and other community stakeholders the opportunity to interact with leaders and representatives on issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion."
Diversity & Inclusion
FIRST Robotics Safety: How to Build a Culture of Safety on Your Team
12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Cobo - 251B/C
"This presentation will include both basic and advanced topics in robotics safety from a team renowned for safety. The learning will focus on applying robotics safety principles through a short presentation, videos and hands-on activities in small groups.
Team 2220 will review the goals of a FIRST Robotics safety program, discuss how to develop a safety program for your team, and explain what equipment, training and documentation is important. We will provide answers to the questions: who should be your safety captain, what does safety have to do with my future career, and does any of this really matter?"
MEMS IMUs for FIRST Robotics Teams
12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250A
MEMS IMUs often serve as feedback sensing elements on robots and other Autonomous vehicle (AV) platforms. In this function, MEMS IMUs play a critical role in the AV's Guidance Navigation Control system. Understanding MEMS IMU functions and how they impact a robot's operation is a great way to develop a competitive advantage in future FIRST robotics competitions.
Balancing FIRST and College
12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250B/C
Do you want to stay involved with FIRST after graduation? Let Purdue FIRST Programs, the oldest collegiate FIRST alumni organization, help you create a tailored plan for how to give back to FIRST community. We'll cover different ways to stay involved through volunteering, mentoring, and participating in alumni organizations. We will also discuss the different levels of time commitment for each activity and how to choose the strategy that's right for your post-graduation goals. Come with a passion for FIRST and leave with an achievable plan for how to stay engaged as a mentor, volunteer, or alumni organization member.
Alumni & Career
What Is Your Superpower?
12:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Cobo - 252A/B
"Superpowers are the strengths that define us. On a team, knowing what superpower each person brings lets you take advantage of the team's full potential.
This hands-on workshop is a fun way to discover and gain insight into your superpower which will take your team to the next level."
Mentor & Coach
Design thinking: Solving a Problem. Are tech toys just for fun or are they a powerful educational tool?
1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Cobo - 251A
Participants will solve the problem of how fun tech toys can also be educational. Using the 5 stages of design thinking: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Protype, and Test; participants will come up with a solution and practical application.
Education & Innovation
The Secret to Engaging Girls: Discovering Twice the Power with WOW
1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Cobo - 251B/C
The Secret to Engaging Girls: Discovering Twice the Power with WOW will give your team a proven platform to empower women to take risks and stay engaged in FIRST , STEM and beyond by starting your very own WOW Chapter. Supported by Qualcomm, FIRST , and Francis Parker School, WOW is quickly expanding to FIRST teams globally and has been adopted by Teams 16, 1538, 2096, 1189, 3374 and 4984. As WOW becomes a global network, your team can join simply by attending this interactive conference! This session is open to all genders and ages - students, mentors and sponsors alike. See you there!
Diversity & Inclusion
Become a Design Thinker
1:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250B/C
This workshop session will immerse you into a Design Thinking Experience by going beyond just telling you about Design Thinking, it will have you immediately jump in and experience it for yourself!
Education & Innovation
Driving a strong FIRST Program in a Rural Community
1:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250A
Lakeshore FIRST Robotics Program is halfway to a goal of 10% of all the students in Manitowoc County, regardless of age, joining a FIRST Robotics team. Baseball and basketball have 10% of students participating. FIRST Robotics can AND SHOULD match that mark to make a long term economic impact in our community. We have the highest involvement rate per capita of every level of FIRST in Wisconsin, and have started 12% of the FRC teams in the state. How did we get to 5% and what plans have we put in place to reach the 10% goal?
Diversity & Inclusion
RESUMES: Inside Secrets to Grab a Recruiter's Attention - WORKSHOP
1:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Cobo - 260
"Walk out with your resume created, ready to send, and start getting calls!
Ilene Rein, President of Pounding Pavement 101 and Professional Recruiter develops with you the content of your resume, answer questions, and recommends templates for formatting.
Recommended Prerequisite to attend: RESUMES: Inside Secrets to Grab a Recruiter's Attention - PRESENTATION."
Alumni & Career
Lenses of Invention with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Cobo - 250B/C
Through historic and modern stories of invention (including some stories of youth, including FIRST students), join the USPTO as they illustrate how anyone can solve a problem through critical and innovative thinking. Wondering how to protect your latest invention through the patent process? They will share their top 3 tips of what anyone considering filing a patent application should know before hitting the send button. You'll leave inspired and with a renewed understanding that an innovative mindset is the most important element of successful inventing.
Education & Innovation
Building a Community of Technical Women: The power of the NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award in Underrepresented Communities
2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Cobo - 252A/B
The NCWIT Aspirations in Computing (AiC) Award has recognized over 12,000 technical women and adopted them into a nation-wide community where members are eager to support each other and see the next generation of young women succeed. Research shows that providing cohesive communities like these is critical to producing an inclusive environment where all underrepresented students thrive and feel connected. Participants will learn how they can encourage high school women to apply for the AiC Award and why supportive communities are so important to recruiting and retaining underrepresented students in computing and technology.
Diversity & Inclusion